{% embed 'WebsiteBundle:Layout:layout.html.twig' with { metaSettings: { 'viewport': 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1', 'keywords': '', 'description': 'site.metadata.description'|trans }, ogSettings: { 'title': 'site.metadata.title'|trans, 'image': '', 'description': 'site.metadata.description'|trans, 'url': url(app.request.get('_route'), app.request.get('_route_params')) } } %} {% block content %}

{{ 'site.session.reminder.title'|trans }}

{{ 'site.session.reminder.subTitle'|trans }}

{# Flashbag #} {% if app.session.flashBag.peek('error') is not empty %}
{% for flashMessage in app.session.flashbag.get('error') %} {{ flashMessage }} {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if app.session.flashBag.peek('success') is not empty %}
{% for flashMessage in app.session.flashbag.get('success') %} {{ flashMessage }} {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if experiment.firstSessionLocation == constant('WebsiteBundle\\Entity\\Experiment::SESSION_LOCATION_LAB') and lastSession.number == 1 %}

{{ 'site.session.reminder.firstSessionInLab'|trans|nl2br }}

{% endif %} {% if experiment.lastSessionLocation == constant('WebsiteBundle\\Entity\\Experiment::SESSION_LOCATION_LAB') and (lastSession.number + 1) == experiment.totalSessions %}

{% trans %}site.session.reminder.lastSessionInLab{% endtrans %}

{% endif %}

{{ 'site.session.reminder.clock.info'|trans({ '%minDateTime%': minDateTime|date('d') ~ ' '~ ('dashboard.elements.calendarElement.enums.'~(minDateTime|date('F')))|trans({}, 'admin') ~ ' '~ minDateTime|date('H:i', 'Europe/Brussels'), '%maxDateTime%': maxDateTime|date('d') ~ ' '~ ('dashboard.elements.calendarElement.enums.'~(maxDateTime|date('F')))|trans({}, 'admin') ~ ' '~ maxDateTime|date('H:i', 'Europe/Brussels') }) }}

{% set start_date = minDateTime|date("d-m-Y") %} {% set end_date = maxDateTime|date("d-m-Y") %}
{{ form(form) }}
{{ 'site.session.reminder.button'|trans }}
{% endblock %} {% block footer %} {% include 'WebsiteBundle:Layout/Partials:_footer.html.twig' %} {% endblock %} {% endembed %}