{% embed 'WebsiteBundle:Layout:layout.html.twig' with { metaSettings: { 'viewport': 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1', 'keywords': '', 'description': 'site.metadata.description'|trans }, ogSettings: { 'title': 'site.metadata.title'|trans, 'image': '', 'description': 'site.metadata.description'|trans, 'url': url(app.request.get('_route'), app.request.get('_route_params')) } } %} {% block content %}

{{ 'site.faq.title'|trans }}

{{ ('site.faq.subTitle'|trans)|raw }}

{% for faqItem in 0 .. 5 %} {% set transKey = 'site.faq.'~faqItem %}

{{ (transKey ~ '.subject')|trans }}

{% if faqItem < 2 %} {% for faqItemQuestions in 0 .. 5 %}

{{ (transKey ~ '.questions.' ~ faqItemQuestions ~'.question' )|trans }}

{{ (transKey ~ '.questions.' ~ faqItemQuestions ~'.answer' )|trans|raw }}

{% endfor %} {% elseif faqItem > 1 and faqItem < 4 %} {% for faqItemQuestions in 0 .. 4 %}

{{ (transKey ~ '.questions.' ~ faqItemQuestions ~'.question' )|trans }}

{{ (transKey ~ '.questions.' ~ faqItemQuestions ~'.answer' )|trans|raw }}

{% endfor %} {% elseif faqItem == 4 %} {% for faqItemQuestions in 0 .. 3 %}

{{ (transKey ~ '.questions.' ~ faqItemQuestions ~'.question' )|trans }}

{{ (transKey ~ '.questions.' ~ faqItemQuestions ~'.answer' )|trans|raw }}

{% endfor %} {% else %} {% for faqItemQuestions in 0 .. 5 %}

{{ (transKey ~ '.questions.' ~ faqItemQuestions ~'.question' )|trans }}

{{ (transKey ~ '.questions.' ~ faqItemQuestions ~'.answer' )|trans|raw }}

{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if psychoFaqItems %}

{{ 'site.faq.psychoanalyse'|trans }}

{% for text in psychoFaqItems %}

{{ text.title }}

{{ text.text }}

{% endfor %} {% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% block footer %} {% include 'WebsiteBundle:Layout/Partials:_footer.html.twig' %} {% endblock %} {% endembed %}