{% import _self as self %} {% trans_default_domain "admin" %} {%- macro pageLink(route, route_params, pageParam, page, currentPage, ajaxPageable) %} {% set route_params = route_params|merge({(pageParam): page})%} {% if ajaxPageable %} {% set ajax_route_params = route_params|merge({'_action': constant('Bazookas\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\Base\\BaseAdminActionController::AJAX_LIST')}) %} {% endif %}
  • {{ page }}
  • {% endmacro -%} {% if ajaxPageable is not defined %} {% set ajaxPageable = false %} {% endif %} {% if totalPages > 1 %} {# make sure the filters and such are passed to pager #} {% set route_params = route_params|deepmerge(app.request.query.all) %} {% endif %}